Dog Tucks His Human Baby Sibling in With a Blanket

Watch this dog take cuteness to a new level by using his snout to tuck a baby in with its blanket on the couch. 

Do Dogs Instinctively Know to Be Gentle with Babies?

Dogs are known to be loyal companions and protectors of their human families. But, do they know to be gentle with babies? The answer is yes, they do. Dogs, especially those who have been raised around babies or have been trained to be gentle, can sense that babies are vulnerable and harmless.

Studies have shown that dogs have a natural instinct to protect their pack, and for many dogs, the family unit is their pack. When a new baby is introduced into the family, many dogs will instinctively become protective and gentle towards the baby. This behavior is not limited to just one breed of dog, but rather is seen across many different breeds.

However, it is important to note that not all dogs will automatically know how to be gentle with babies. Some dogs may become jealous or possessive of the baby, which can lead to aggressive behavior. It is crucial for dog owners to properly train and socialize their dogs around babies, and to always supervise interactions between dogs and babies to ensure everyone’s safety.

The Relationship Between Dogs and Babies

Dogs and babies can form a special bond that is both heartwarming and beneficial for both parties. However, it is important to understand the natural instincts of dogs, the importance of early socialization, and the factors that can affect a dog’s behavior around babies.

The Natural Instincts of Dogs

Dogs have a natural instinct to protect and care for their pack, which can include humans, especially those they have bonded with. They may also have a strong prey drive, which can be triggered by the movements and sounds of a baby. It is important to understand that a dog’s behavior around a baby can be unpredictable and should be closely monitored.

The Importance of Early Socialization

Early socialization is crucial for dogs to learn how to interact with different people, animals, and environments. This includes exposure to babies and young children. Dogs that are not properly socialized may become anxious or fearful around babies, leading to aggressive behavior.

Factors That Affect a Dog’s Behavior Around Babies

Several factors can affect a dog’s behavior around babies, including their breed, age, temperament, and past experiences. Some breeds, such as retrievers and collies, are known for their gentle nature around children. Older dogs may be more patient and tolerant of a baby’s movements and sounds, while younger dogs may be more energetic and playful. A dog’s past experiences with children can also influence their behavior.

In conclusion, while dogs can be gentle and protective of babies, it is important to understand their natural instincts, the importance of early socialization, and the factors that can affect their behavior. Close supervision and proper training can help ensure a safe and positive relationship between dogs and babies.

Teaching Dogs to Be Gentle with Babies

When bringing a new baby into a household with a dog, it is important to teach the dog to be gentle and calm around the baby. Here are some effective ways to train dogs to be gentle with babies.

Positive Reinforcement Training

Positive reinforcement training is an effective method to teach dogs to be gentle with babies. When the dog behaves calmly or gently around the baby, reward him with treats, praise, or toys. This reinforces the behavior and encourages the dog to repeat the behavior in the future.

Supervision and Management

Supervision and management are crucial when introducing a dog to a baby. Dogs should always be supervised when around babies to ensure that they do not accidentally harm them. Additionally, dogs should be managed by keeping them on a leash or in a crate when necessary.

Creating Safe Spaces for Dogs and Babies

Creating safe spaces for dogs and babies is important to ensure that both are comfortable and safe. Dogs should have a designated area where they can retreat to when they want to be alone. This area should be off-limits to the baby. Similarly, the baby should have a designated area where the dog is not allowed to enter. This can be achieved through the use of baby gates or playpens.

In conclusion, teaching dogs to be gentle with babies is crucial for the safety and well-being of both the dog and the baby. Positive reinforcement training, supervision and management, and creating safe spaces for dogs and babies are all effective ways to train dogs to be gentle with babies.

Common Misconceptions About Dogs and Babies

When it comes to dogs and babies, there are many misconceptions that people have. Here are some common misconceptions about dogs and babies:

Dogs Are Not Naturally Aggressive Towards Babies

One of the most common misconceptions about dogs and babies is that dogs are naturally aggressive towards babies. This is not true. In fact, most dogs are gentle and protective of babies. However, it is important to remember that dogs are animals and can become aggressive if they feel threatened or if they are not properly trained.

Dogs Do Not Understand the Fragility of Babies

Another common misconception is that dogs do not understand the fragility of babies. While it is true that dogs do not have the same level of understanding as humans, they can still sense that babies are delicate and need to be handled with care. Many dogs will instinctively be gentle with babies, but it is important to supervise all interactions between dogs and babies to ensure that the dog does not accidentally harm the baby.

Dogs Can Be Trained to Be Gentle with Babies

Finally, it is important to remember that dogs can be trained to be gentle with babies. If you have a dog and are expecting a baby, it is important to start training your dog early on to be gentle with the baby. This can include teaching your dog to be calm and gentle around the baby, rewarding your dog for good behavior around the baby, and teaching your dog to stay away from the baby’s face and ears.

In conclusion, it is important to remember that dogs and babies can coexist peacefully if proper precautions are taken. While there are some misconceptions about dogs and babies, it is important to remember that most dogs are gentle and protective of babies and can be trained to be even more gentle with them.


In conclusion, dogs have a natural instinct to be gentle with babies. They can sense that babies are vulnerable and harmless, and will act in a protective and caring way towards them. This behavior is due to their innate pack mentality, where they recognize the baby as a vulnerable member of their “pack.”

Additionally, dogs can perceive the delicate nature of a baby through their acute senses, such as smell and body language, which further guides their gentle behavior. It is essential to keep an eye on dogs when they are around babies, even if they have a history of being gentle and caring.

Introducing dogs to babies should be done carefully, preferably on neutral territory, and under close supervision. Dogs should never be left alone with babies, and parents should teach their children how to behave around dogs to avoid any accidents or misunderstandings.

Overall, dogs and their behavior towards babies can be beautiful and heartwarming. They trust, love, and protect, and can make excellent companions for families with young children. With proper training and supervision, dogs and babies can form a strong bond that will last a lifetime.